A bizarre incident unfolded when an employee involved in the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway project claimed that rats were the culprits behind a section of the road caving in at Rajasthanโs Dausa district! The employee, who claimed to be the Maintenance Manager, said small animals might have dug holes, causing water to seep in and weaken the road.
However, his company, KCC Buildcon, was quick to respond, clarifying that the individual was junior staff and lacked technical knowledge. The employee has since been terminated.
What Really Happened?
According to Balveer Yadav, the project director, the road caved in due to a water leakโnot because of any rodent mischief. The damaged section was swiftly repaired and secured to avoid further issues.
About the Expressway
The Delhi-Mumbai Expressway, spanning 1,386 km, is set to be Indiaโs longest expressway and will reduce travel time between the two cities from 24 hours to 12โ13 hours! As of mid-2024, 80% of the project has been completed, with the full stretch expected to open in another year.
Imagine blaming rats for a highway collapse!
In a bizarre incident, an employee claiming to be the maintenance manager of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway project said that rats were responsible for the cave-in of the highway in the Dausa district of Rajasthan#DelhiMumbaiExpressWay #Trending #Viral https://t.co/WDOYTQmlvO pic.twitter.com/um94olKuhc
โ News18 (@CNNnews18) September 19, 2024